Jaipur carpets and rugs are highly regarded for colors, designs and quality

Jaipur, a city in the Indian state of Rajasthan, is known for its rich tradition of handmade carpet weaving. Jaipur carpets are highly regarded for their vibrant colors, intricate designs, and quality craftsmanship. Here’s some information about handmade Jaipur carpets used in India: Craftsmanship: Jaipur carpets are handwoven by skilled artisans using traditional weaving techniques. … Read more

Kashmiri carpets and Rugs are a highly regarded form of handmade carpets

Kashmiri carpets, also known as Kashmiri rugs, are a highly regarded form of handmade carpets originating from the Kashmir region of India. These carpets are known for their intricate designs, fine craftsmanship, and use of high-quality materials, particularly wool and silk. Here’s some information about handmade Kashmiri carpets used in India: Craftsmanship: Kashmiri carpets are … Read more

Handmade Persian carpets and Rugs have a rich history of Mughal influence

Handmade Persian carpets have a rich history of influence in India. This influence can be traced back to the Mughal period when India was under Mughal rule (early 16th to mid-19th century). During this time, Persian culture and art had a significant impact on the Indian subcontinent, including the production of handmade carpets. Here are … Read more

Handmade carpets and Rugs have a rich tradition

Handmade carpets have a rich tradition in India, with a long history of craftsmanship and artistry. Indian handmade carpets are renowned for their intricate designs, vibrant colors, and high-quality materials. Here are some of the most famous types of handmade carpets used in India: Persian Carpets: These are not originally from India but have been … Read more