Handmade bamboo matting is a traditional and widely used product

Handmade bamboo matting, often referred to as “chatai” or “chik,” is a traditional and widely used product in India. It is made by weaving thin strips of bamboo together to create a flat, durable surface. Bamboo matting serves a variety of purposes in Indian households, and its uses are both functional and decorative. Here are … Read more

Handmade bamboo furniture is a traditional craft

Handmade bamboo furniture is a traditional craft in India, and it has gained popularity not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its eco-friendliness and sustainability. Bamboo, a fast-growing and renewable resource, is used to create a variety of furniture items that cater to both modern and traditional tastes. Here are some examples of … Read more

Handmade bamboo baskets are a traditionaly used

Handmade bamboo baskets are a traditional and essential part of Indian culture, particularly in rural areas. They are crafted by skilled artisans who have been practicing the art of bamboo weaving for generations. These baskets serve a variety of purposes and are known for their durability, eco-friendliness, and versatility. Here are some common types and … Read more

Handmade Bamboo Products is a versatile and sustainable material

Bamboo is a versatile and sustainable material that has been used in India for centuries to create a wide range of handmade products. These products serve various purposes, from household items to decorative pieces. Here are some common handmade bamboo products used in India: Bamboo Baskets: Bamboo baskets are widely used for carrying and storing … Read more

Handmade bar furniture are widely used

Handmade bar furniture in India combines functionality, traditional craftsmanship, and often reflects the country’s rich cultural diversity. These handcrafted pieces are designed to create a welcoming and stylish space for entertaining and enjoying drinks. Here are some common types of handmade bar furniture used in India: Wooden Bar Cabinets: Handmade wooden bar cabinets are crafted … Read more