Hindu deity sculptures are widely used

Hindu deity sculptures are a fundamental aspect of Indian art and culture. These sculptures depict various gods and goddesses from Hindu mythology and are found in temples, shrines, homes, and various public spaces throughout India. Hindu deity sculptures serve both religious and artistic purposes, and they are often crafted with intricate detail and symbolism. Here … Read more

Sculptures in architecture are widely used

India has a rich tradition of using sculptures in architecture, and this practice has been prevalent for centuries. Sculptures play a significant role in Indian architectural aesthetics and often serve various functions, including decorative, religious, and narrative. Here are some common ways sculptures are used in Indian architecture: Temple Architecture: Indian temples are renowned for … Read more

Marble sculptures are widely used

Marble sculptures are widely used in India for various purposes, and they have a long history as an art form. Marble, with its exquisite white or colored texture, is a favored material for sculptors and artisans. Here are some common uses and examples of marble sculptures in India: Temple Architecture: Many ancient and contemporary Indian … Read more